Regulatory Permitting
and Compliance
Regulatory permitting services for activities impacting wetlands and waterbottoms. We have obtained State and US Army Corps of Engineers permits for over 60 projects across Louisiana and Texas in the last 2 years alone.
These permitting activities include:
Structure and Flowline Constructiion, Removal or Abandonment
Maintenance Wheelwashing or Dredging
Bulkhead or Bankline Stabilization
Oil and Gas Structures in the LA Coastal Zone
Wetland Impact and Mitigation Permitting
Wetland Delineations and T&E Species Surveys
Got wetlands? Know before you buy, build, or develop. We have over 15 years of experience performing wetland delineations in Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Mississippi, North Dakota, and Montana. We provide wetland and water delineation surveys and reports in accordance with the most current guidelines and procedures outlined in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetand Delineation Manual and the appropriate regional supplements.
Phase I Environmental
Site Assessments
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) for commercial and industrial properties. The purpose of the Phase I ESA is to identify any possible sources of contamination either current or previous in order to protect the owner from any liability for cleanup costs. Our ESA's are conducted in accordance with the ASTM E1527-13 Standard.
Oyster Assessment Surveys
Oyster Assessment Surveys on private leases and public oyster seed grounds throughout the State of Louisiana. Coastal Resource Consulting handles the full assessment spectrum including:
Oyster lease notification letters
Permission to sample letters
Waterbottom assessments by poling with Oyster Lease Damage Evaluation Board (OLDEB) certified biologist.
Dive and dredge sampling with NAUI certified divers.
Full assessment reports
Site Clearance Verification Surveys
Trawling and diving Site Clearance Verification Surveys and reports for state waterbottoms in Louisiana. Coastal Resource Consulting provides lump sum bids for Site Clearance surveys including:
LDNR Office of Conservation Site Clearance applications
400 ft and 1,320 ft trawling and diving surveys surrounding previously abandoned well locations and facilities.
Full Site Clearance verification reports submitted to the LDNR Office of Conservation for approval.
Pipeline Inspections
Environmental pipeline inspections and monitoring. Coastal Resource Consulting can fill positions as a lead Environmental Inspector (EI) or Environmental Monitor (EM) on pipeline construction projects in the Unitied States. As an EI, our responsbilities include:
Establishing and maintaining erosion controls and stream and wetland crossings.
Overseeing all construction activities at stream/wetland crossing and other other environmentally sensitivie areas.
Ensuring regulatory compliance with Nationwide Permits.
Preparing and submitting daily inspections reports.
Coordination with contractor and inspection personnel.
Soil Sampling
Soil Sampling conducted throughout Louisiana to depths up to 20 feet. We provide sampling for a variety of customers, with a focus on 29-B analysis sampling on oilfield restoration sites.
NORM Surveys
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) surveys, both above and below ground to test for elevated levels of NORM in the soil. Measurements are conducted by a NORM certified surveyor using a Ludlem Model 3 survey meter.
Oil and Gas Surveying
We conduct well and pipeline locating and mapping utilizing a magnetometer and radio detection unit. We have surveyed multiple pipelines and located previously plugged oil and gas wells in Louisiana and Texas.
Coastal Resource Consulting, LLC (CRC) provides professional regulatory consulting services throughout the United States with a focus on oil and gas permitting and surveys to companies throughout Louisiana and Texas. Activities in which CRC permits include platform and flowline construction, repair, removal or abandonment; permits to drill, or plug wells; and permitting of all other activities involving wetlands/waters or in the LA Coastal Zone. Other services CRC performs include Environmental assessments, wetland delineation surveys, T&E species surveys, ecological site assessments, oyster assessments, and Site Clearance verification surveys.
Jeremy Griffith
For any inquiries, or questions, please call: 337-581-6383 or fill out the following form
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Get a quote: 337-581-6383